Monday, September 19, 2011

An On-the-Street Interview

Our assignment today was to ask someone how their interaction with their family affects their daily life at Biola. We had five minutes, and we had literally just learned some tools for conducting good interviews, so our skills were put into practice immediately.

I walked up to a student worker at the library and asked her this question. For Christine, a senior art student from Ithaca, New York, the question yielded a very heartfelt answer.

She said that she hasn't talked to her family in a while. She has missed four calls from her mother, and feels disconnected and lost as she goes about her day separated by thousands of miles from her and the rest of her family. "I was just thinking about it this morning," Christine shared, "and I feel guilty and frustrated, like I'm 'that daughter' that went far away for college and no one knows anymore."

It seems that being across the country for school is a difficult journey that requires intentionality and sensitivity to the other party's emotions.

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